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Mon - Fri: 6 am - 9 pm • Sat - Sun: 7 am - 7 pm

Yoga Fit

YogaFit is a contemporary approach to yoga, combining elements of Hatha yoga with traditional fitness exercises and stretching routines. YogaFit features both strength and conditioning components to give a balanced, total body/mind workout: BALANCED: We work all muscle groups in each session. BODY/MIND: We work the mental muscle to increase willpower, determination, endurance and body awareness. WORKOUT: We sweat and build strength. A YogaFit class has a three-part structure (called Mountains), comprised of poses that flow from one to another. Mountain One begins with deep breathing and stretching to warm up the body. Mountain Two is the “work” section with the more rigorous poses. Mountain Three utilizes deeper stretches and ends with a final period of relaxation.
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